@Laura798 ,
Not bitter nor retaliatory as you seem to think.
What I don't understand is this,you seem to be an intelligent woman. Probably have a career in very detailed wording ( I'm sorry you are having trouble finding employment) but how you can dabble in false religion and heretical doctrine is hard for me to understand.
Furthermore I've read your post to others they probably think you are bitter and retaliatory also!
I did not come to cc to fight but to grow in knowledge,edify and be edified.
What I have learned is people are NOT really as they project. Some have zero knowledge on their own just the sources they seek for quick use.
Their beliefs are grounded in man's interpretations and yes I agree what their denominations have taught.
We have to be led of the Holy Spirit through the word to get the true meaning of God's word.
I'm also sorry you seem to be alone in your struggles with family and friends gone from the area. Despair comes and goes and sometimes we do sit under the gourd and wish to die. God's journey for us and his ways are higher than ours. We cannot even comprehend God in his fullness due to our finite minds.
Maybe we will ALL make it before God's throne,I certainly wish there was no eternation damnation of torment and fire for those who reject him.
I have loved ones who have not accepted Jesus' gift of salvation.
The Lord,our Father has set ALL things in motion and under himself,therefore I rest in prayer knowing he is faithful just and merciful!