The phrase you've been repeating, as far as I can tell, is not written (or stated) in the "imperative [command]".
It's more like if a person (like, say, from the south) saying, "Don't y'all say [i.e. don't y'all have an expression around here that goes like this...] 'there's four months 'til time to dig up the 'taters?' [...]"
IOW, He's not commanding "do not say [such and such]"
I'm not seeing it there.
First of all, to be clear to the readers... there's only ONE "Rapture" at ONE point in time.
IOW, the word "harvest" is NOT EQUATED with the word "Rapture," as though anywhere you read the word "harvest" think "Rapture," NO!!! No, no , no. For example, the "WHEAT" harvest (Matt13) is NOT the "Rapture"!
(and WE / "the Church which is his body" are NOT the "WHEAT" harvest).
Second, Jesus in John 4 was not "send[-ing] the ANGELS / REAPers" (for THAT "harvest"--eschatologically related);
INSTEAD, in verse 38 Jesus is telling His disciples: "I sent you to reap what you have not toiled for; others have toiled, and you have entered into their labor." Speaking on the Subject of the "Samaritans". (...but not in any way an eschatological "harvest" involving the "angels" as "reapers," see. THAT is NOT the CONTEXT of chpt 4...).
What you are trying to do is turn Jesus' words into a "command"... and a "command" for all times to be adhered to. That's not proper "exegesis".
It's more like if a person (like, say, from the south) saying, "Don't y'all say [i.e. don't y'all have an expression around here that goes like this...] 'there's four months 'til time to dig up the 'taters?' [...]"
IOW, He's not commanding "do not say [such and such]"
I'm not seeing it there.
First of all, to be clear to the readers... there's only ONE "Rapture" at ONE point in time.
IOW, the word "harvest" is NOT EQUATED with the word "Rapture," as though anywhere you read the word "harvest" think "Rapture," NO!!! No, no , no. For example, the "WHEAT" harvest (Matt13) is NOT the "Rapture"!
(and WE / "the Church which is his body" are NOT the "WHEAT" harvest).
Second, Jesus in John 4 was not "send[-ing] the ANGELS / REAPers" (for THAT "harvest"--eschatologically related);
INSTEAD, in verse 38 Jesus is telling His disciples: "I sent you to reap what you have not toiled for; others have toiled, and you have entered into their labor." Speaking on the Subject of the "Samaritans". (...but not in any way an eschatological "harvest" involving the "angels" as "reapers," see. THAT is NOT the CONTEXT of chpt 4...).
What you are trying to do is turn Jesus' words into a "command"... and a "command" for all times to be adhered to. That's not proper "exegesis".
A total no brainer that sixth grade level english skills could pick up easily.