That's quite the temper tantrum, all those red Xs! Yes, I give out Xs when I strongly disagree with something someone wrote. Which is a lot of this thread. It means "disagree" not "I hate you!"
People in this forum completely lack any knowledge of real science. They believe lies & conspiracies, instead of truth. So much misinformation in this thread.
My guess is you didn't read one of my posts. Kind of shows the quality of your Christian walk! As in spiritually immature. Instead of responding in love, & posting references that support your half baked information, you get angry, decide to show me how clever you are. By Xing me! Well brother, you need to open your mind, and be willing to learn something. And admit you were wrong. You have no answers to my posts, so instead, you act like a 6 year old. Appalling how uneducated so many Americans are.
Anyway, I got a good laugh when I opened my notifications, and saw alll those red Xs. Confirmed what I already knew!
I really could care less. I know the science, not stupid anti-vax conspiracies. You post nothing to back up your misinformation! Why? Because there are NO reputable sources that back up any of the misinformation on this thread. Just deluded, uneducated people repeating lies they have seen or heard on the internet.
Sad! This thread is just pathetic. 200+ pages, with 4 people posting truth. It's just sad to see so many people who do not know the scientific method, and can't tell the difference between facts and utter garbage. And the anger in some people! God must weep at the state of his church in North America!