I am 15 years old, and I recently had what I thought was a strong Christian relationship with a nice Christian guy. Truth be told is that things happened, sex occurred one time, and I walked away from him because I knew it was wrong.
Now this is a weird question to ask, but maybe you guys can tell me how it is that I woid know that I am dating a real true Christian man? What kind of SHINE should I be looking for to know that my next relationship is a faithful one?
And I'm not saying I'm not at fault, I do get 50% of the blame for what I did, but I want my next relationship to be strong God fearing relationship. And please don't say to wait until I'm 25 years old, LMAO!
Hello Eagle05..it can be difficult at your age in the whole area of relationships,sex,seeking to live right with God.At your age you are still not yet an adult and my goodnes theres so much pressure and sexual imagery around via social media ect...it just crazy.Most young people battle to stay inwardly and outwardly pure due to the heavily sex obsessed world around them.
As you have been through this experience just ask God to protect you from guys who are actually wolves in sheeps clothing and to help you to have discernment about them.Guys are often very good actors sometimes and to know their real intentions can be tricky...so let God be the center of every decision you make and ask Him to help you have the strength to overcome temptations that may come your way...esp with Christian guys.Just because a guy is a Christian doesn't automatically mean he is right for you.
Its natural to think about guys and relationships at your age yet at the same time dont be in a mad rush about things as you have college and other things to be focusing on that are also really important.
God was merciful because you never got pregnant which understandably would be the worst thing ever..So recognise that you are also vulnerable even though you want to do things Gods way.
A guy also has sexual feeling too just like you do even though he has a real passion for jesus.So spend time learning about boundaries in dating like dont spend time alone on a sofa all cuddled up watching t.v with nobody else around..there lots of material around online about such things.
The main quality is the level of genuine respect he has for you,for God and at your age group he will also still be growing into an adult Male..so spending time together reading Gods word,praying together for Gods blessing and protection on the relationship is really important.
Bear in mind that you can meet a really great guy who has integrity and has a real heart for God and a genuine affection for you and one who takes God seriously yet will still have his own vulnerabilities.So a guy who is open about things is good to have and remember that sometimes sexual things can just begin to happen even though one didn't want them too...passions can get stirred up by various triggers.So talking about being practical about do's and don't which he takes seriously and follows is a good sign.Plus his respect for boundaries you both agree to have is also a good indicator too.