Fourthly, I could be wrong, but I am guessing by your emotional and irrational behaviour and words, that you are a woman, if so, then YOU have no authority to correct any man in the Body of Christ, nor able to teach anyone except for women, to encourage them to walk pleasingly and Holy before the Lord. And if you are a woman, well you are in no place of maturity as to encourage any woman to walk soberly and Holy before the Lord, because this is a Feminist Jezebel spirit, and stems from the influences of the Anti-Christ. are a liar spreading the devil's lies re: the fake virus and the death jab and denying the truth of it, and complicit in encouraging other's to get vaxxed and then they die.
Who is the author of all lies, murder, deception, bearing false witness against their neighbor's, proud, etc.,.....the who are you listening to, not the Lord and the Holy Spirit that is certain.
The end, I will not deal with a Jezebel spirit "rebellion is as WITCHCRAFT".....the Lord rebuke you!