judgement in the Bible is GOD's judgement of our lives as we have lived it, judgement on earth is our own personal view of an individual/s who we have met, based on their looks, dress standards, colour, & race, we then move on to education, body difference's, stature in life, & finally our own belief's and truth's that we hold,... As Christian's the only judgement we should be worried about is.... GOD's,... the rest do not factor in because we are to take people on face value, and with the humbleness that Jesus teach's, we let them determine how much to share with us or reveal their true identity of personality, which in turn lead's to real fellowship with brother's and sister's in Christ or a turning away from a situation or person/s who may challenge our commitment to being a Christian (a follower of Christ), the only downside? we have to be constantly attached to Jesus in order to maintain dominance over our judgemental trait's. God blesses all.