See these clowns have turned it into a vaccinated vs. unvaccinated issue when it's not. This is how I feel about it, everyone needs to assess themselves and make up their own minds about it, if they think they need it get it, if you don't want it then don't get it. Our medical decisions are NOBODIES business least of all the governments. The PROBLEM here, today, in this country, is former vice president Biden getting on TV telling me that he's loosing patients with those of us who do no think the risk/reward of getting the vaccine falls on the side of getting one, but you know what I will NOT do? Be told by a tyrant that I'm going to take it. Nope and I will fight against this with my last breath, the line has been drawn, what side are you on? Freedom or tyranny? Seeing as how my King is freedom it's not much of a question to me.