If you voted for Biden or if you are very happy that Trump is no longer in office you might not care if there were some fraudulent things that took place in a few other states. As Biden's support drops the numbers are fewer and fewer who feel that way.
But now we have people in California who see that this can directly impact them. Maybe they didn't care how Trump lost but they do care about what Newsom is doing whether it is shutting down businesses, mismanaging water and electricity, destroying the economy, or mandating the vaccine. These things cross party lines. There are a lot of people who are very liberal who see these actions as tyrannical, Bill Maher for example, and if the election has evidence of fraud they will want it audited. Supposedly Newsom got 65% of the vote. So if I taught at a school there I'd ask my fellow teachers. Suppose with an unscientific poll we couldn't find anyone who had voted for Newsom out of 100 willing to say something, then we know this is total BS and I would be outraged.
We are seeing the attack in Australia, France, Britain, Canada, NY, and across the country.
I talked to two people the other day that admitted they voted for Biden and now regret that choice. These two both thought the audits were "rebellious" 9 months ago, their opinion has completely changed. This is in NY, a democrat stronghold. Every day more and more people move along the continuum of not caring, to wondering if the election was legit, to caring if it was, to ultimately being outraged at the corruption and lies.