fair enough but those of us who do have the holy spirit will have discernment when the beast system comes.
I do believe the vax shouldn't be forced and I'm appalled at countries like Israel , Australia at where it's being made mandatory ....It's wrong.
And although am not anti vax I don't believe preachers should be urging anyone to get it either. They are preachers not doctors . They need to stay in their lane and teach Christ crucified . No more. No less.
I think the issue I have with many I have seen who believe the vaccine is the mark is that much of it seems to be based on a false doctrine of serpent seed. That is, having fallen Angel in your DNA, or corrupted DNA means you cannot achieve salvation however repentant and sincere you may be. This is not the gospel.
Jesus wills none should perish . Many will perish because they reject Jesus and/or they believe they can earn salvation/ there is another way to salvation etc ....They won't believe that the blood of Jesus alone has paid their sins. They either think they had to earn it or that Jesus didn't quite pay for it all, or they don't believe He is God at all. So they don't appropriate the salvation that could be theirs.
many false teachers are having visions of born again Christians going to hel l because they are wearing things made by fallen angels or that their DNA has become corrupted by eating unclean meats or taking a vaccine. to them, it is a salvation issue to even eat pork (as opposed to the more plausible belief (one I ascribe to myself ) that God forbade these foods to Israel (and actually even before Moses) because they are bad for our health!) Many of them believe all medicine is witchcraft! When you look at these teachers they have one thing in common. They never mention our imputed righteousness through the Cross. They don't mention all Christians have authority over the devil and that Jesus loves us. They only talk about how we are all doomed.... surely the gospel needs to be balanced. With an emphasis on holiness because as redeemed people, a royal priesthood , we are to live worthy of the calling, working out salvation we have been give n.
this does not sound like the gospel but some kind of mishmash of Black Hebrew Israelities, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Holiness Pentecostal ism, rather than the gospel. Keeping the Torah is fine but if you start to believe only those who keep the torah, tithe, who make their women cover themselves , who don't take medicines or vaccines will make heaven, I don't think there will be that great cloud of witnesses in heaven Revelation speaks of .
Christians are "few" compared to the unsaved. We are still a small number, but am not convinced it's only a handful. Having said that, when the great falling away happens, maybe it will be few, I don't know.
Am no theologian, and yes, I could be wrong. I m still learning. But I just don't understand how so many spirit filled believers have taken the vaccine if it's sinful to do so ?
I do wish the vaxxes (some of them) hadn't been tested or produced with HEK cells from abortion. I wish they wouldn't do that. I can understand a Christian refusing on that principle. I just can't accept an going to hell. The fruit in my life, how much I've changed since being save d, bears witness that although am not a perfect or mature believer, I am in the fold.
many Christians these days are actually talking as though if the thief on the Cross were in their church, they would question his conversion! And Mary Magdalene , woman at the well etc . Am not saying you're doing that personally or anyone on CC, but it is something I have seen in the churches.
I have even been dumped by two Christians since they found out I had the vax. Where in the bible does it say to dump your friends when they do something you disagree with? This doesn't look like the kind of fellowship enjoyed by Christians in the early churches . This isn't adultery, or fornication, it's taking a medication! I had one friend tell me I'm a sorceror
I have had Christians say it is a sin to take medication for mental health or sleep issues so when I tell them "if all medicine is sorcery, then why do you admit to having chemo or taking insulin ??". Their argument doesn't make sense.
Uncleanness comes from within a man. from sin. The bible tells us what sin is. We have the Holy Spirit inside of us.
I do believe the vax shouldn't be forced and I'm appalled at countries like Israel , Australia at where it's being made mandatory ....It's wrong.
And although am not anti vax I don't believe preachers should be urging anyone to get it either. They are preachers not doctors . They need to stay in their lane and teach Christ crucified . No more. No less.
I think the issue I have with many I have seen who believe the vaccine is the mark is that much of it seems to be based on a false doctrine of serpent seed. That is, having fallen Angel in your DNA, or corrupted DNA means you cannot achieve salvation however repentant and sincere you may be. This is not the gospel.
Jesus wills none should perish . Many will perish because they reject Jesus and/or they believe they can earn salvation/ there is another way to salvation etc ....They won't believe that the blood of Jesus alone has paid their sins. They either think they had to earn it or that Jesus didn't quite pay for it all, or they don't believe He is God at all. So they don't appropriate the salvation that could be theirs.
many false teachers are having visions of born again Christians going to hel l because they are wearing things made by fallen angels or that their DNA has become corrupted by eating unclean meats or taking a vaccine. to them, it is a salvation issue to even eat pork (as opposed to the more plausible belief (one I ascribe to myself ) that God forbade these foods to Israel (and actually even before Moses) because they are bad for our health!) Many of them believe all medicine is witchcraft! When you look at these teachers they have one thing in common. They never mention our imputed righteousness through the Cross. They don't mention all Christians have authority over the devil and that Jesus loves us. They only talk about how we are all doomed.... surely the gospel needs to be balanced. With an emphasis on holiness because as redeemed people, a royal priesthood , we are to live worthy of the calling, working out salvation we have been give n.
this does not sound like the gospel but some kind of mishmash of Black Hebrew Israelities, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Holiness Pentecostal ism, rather than the gospel. Keeping the Torah is fine but if you start to believe only those who keep the torah, tithe, who make their women cover themselves , who don't take medicines or vaccines will make heaven, I don't think there will be that great cloud of witnesses in heaven Revelation speaks of .
Christians are "few" compared to the unsaved. We are still a small number, but am not convinced it's only a handful. Having said that, when the great falling away happens, maybe it will be few, I don't know.
Am no theologian, and yes, I could be wrong. I m still learning. But I just don't understand how so many spirit filled believers have taken the vaccine if it's sinful to do so ?
I do wish the vaxxes (some of them) hadn't been tested or produced with HEK cells from abortion. I wish they wouldn't do that. I can understand a Christian refusing on that principle. I just can't accept an going to hell. The fruit in my life, how much I've changed since being save d, bears witness that although am not a perfect or mature believer, I am in the fold.
many Christians these days are actually talking as though if the thief on the Cross were in their church, they would question his conversion! And Mary Magdalene , woman at the well etc . Am not saying you're doing that personally or anyone on CC, but it is something I have seen in the churches.
I have even been dumped by two Christians since they found out I had the vax. Where in the bible does it say to dump your friends when they do something you disagree with? This doesn't look like the kind of fellowship enjoyed by Christians in the early churches . This isn't adultery, or fornication, it's taking a medication! I had one friend tell me I'm a sorceror
I have had Christians say it is a sin to take medication for mental health or sleep issues so when I tell them "if all medicine is sorcery, then why do you admit to having chemo or taking insulin ??". Their argument doesn't make sense.
Uncleanness comes from within a man. from sin. The bible tells us what sin is. We have the Holy Spirit inside of us.
Food is perishable. It goes in our belly and is discharged from our bodies. The Mark is not food.
i do not believe, at this time, that the vaxx is the Mark. The Mark is coming and the technology is here now, soon to be implemented.
The vaxx is about preparing the world for the Mark.
This is crucial for all christians to refuse mandatory vaxxing. No one can buy or sell without the Mark = Get it.
Pertaining to fallen angels and their genetic form - they cannot be saved. The GOSPEL is only for fallen man.
AGAIN: The GOSPEL is only for fallen man. Fallen angels cannot be forgiven.
Whoever submits to and receives the Mark will also have committed the unforgivable sin - no room for repentance.
God is in control and He knows those who are His and He will reject all who take the Mark.
Please read 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians and Jude - Blessings to You and Peace in Jesus Christ our Savior - Amen
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