When a thief sitting in the highest office of power on earth, while suffering dementia, reads the script his handlers wrote for him and still stumbles, while telling gullible viewers the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated, and that doesn't reach people as to the falsity that's been promoted about the effectiveness of this vaccine, nothing will.
The vaccinated alleged majority of Americans are at risk from the minority of free thinking, pro-choice (choose to or not to) persons who refuse the vaccine?
When the propaganda reiterates the vaccine will keep people safe from infection by the Covid-19 virus?
With no mention of the numbers of dead due to having gotten the vaccine?
Unvaccinated people are a threat to the vaccinated.
Biden said, this is the unvaccinated's pandemic.
If the vaccine works, the unvaccinated are a threat to themselves. Not to those who got the shot because they bought into the propaganda that said it would keep them safe.
Now, they're not?