Have you confirmed your claim by your own investigation, or do you just repeat what you've read or been told?
What do you call the 1769 Blaney revision then?
Blayney did not change the words of the King James Bible. The only thing he did was to update some of the spelling of certain words (things like sonne to son, sinne to sin, citie to city, eies to eyes, dayes to days, yeares to years, hee to he, sate to sat, sayde to said.
He also adjusted some of the punctuation (some few things like a colon to a semi-colon (":" to ";") and he italicized a very few words that were not previously in italics. And some words that previously were capitalized he changed to non-capitalized. For example "ark" used to be "Arke" and "covenant" used to be "Covenant". That was it.
He never changed the wording of the King James Bible.