I also found it interesting that his brother was a theist as an atheist, but not now. Peter Hitchens is a very good guy, and common sensical as they come, but he is not a brainiac for me, as Hitchens was. I cannot condone Christophers lifechoices anymore, and how he treated good faith people who disagreed with, but I understand it, because I was very much like him in that regards. And was a diciple of Hitchens so to speak. We shared a point oof view, so he became an unfallable authority, so I bame a parrot of him, rather than doing my own legwork, so it restrained my mind from evolving. Felt morally and intellectually superior, without doing the legwork on christianity, because he knew so much about Islam, snd we shared anger at that after 9/11. But, it is interesting to me, that Christophers freespirited and indepent nevermindism I do not care what you thinkism, made him able to effortlessly get much work done, and cover a lot of ground. Doing what you love, and not give a bleep about what others think, is the reason I think.
While Peter on the other hand, followed rules, and was restraint, did not step over lines, till his brother was gone. He was very fond of his brother who did not want to talk to him, and respected him greatly. Did debate his brother in what he knew was a losing debate in the publics opinion. Just to spend some time with him, even for just an argument and get mocked. That is strength, endurance and love. After Christopher died, Peter changed, and started being more free and courages, stepping over lines himself, and took up Christophers torch in many regards. I think his faith inhibited him in the past, and he did not take risks, so was not as effective. Now he is a very important voice for brits. They did not do get togethers, Christopher hated him for most of their lives. Because Christopher had such conviction in antitheism sadly, that he could not love his brother publicly.. Stronger conviction than many christians I think. I do not think faith should be a battle between people and factions.
I think you are spot on, about Christophers purpose for christians, but sadly most just shield themselves from being challenged. Sine I was an angry antitheist, and Christopher lead me to scripture of value to me, and people he disagreed with, who I agreed some with. And eventually it changed me, and my heart.
I do not understand what you type about copyright and printing press. Just a bunch of words saying little. I do not know most of the bible from reading it, only read 25% or so, probably know the essence of 90% from being an angry atheist, but have gotten verselines out of context. And it is not relevant to my faith, I got it, I was given a gift that made my life much easier, and gave me a calm I never had before. Despite everything in my life becoming much more problematic in practical terms. And that is what faith is about. Trust, blind trust if you will, but it is not blind. You know enough for you, you do not need others to tell you what you must know. People are individuals, so I must not know as much as you do, to have faith and a personal relationship with God. If I have it. 1500 pages almost, manual to life, people have various struggles, if the book helps some on one issue, they find the faith without reading the rest, thousand ways leading to God, few walk the same path. Some make it complicated for themselves, I try to make it easy. Never sought God or faith, got it, not resisting it. Now seeking more knowledge, but the faith is fortified forever. You are living out Jesus, if you are christian and have some credit to Give Christopher Hitchens. I like it. Good post brother or sister.