Good point, let's lay out the conspiracy theory that they are unwilling to fully spell out.
First you would have to believe that the pandemic would be a man made virus, a theory that was completely discredited 18 months ago, but has since been proven to be true. So, OK, I guess we can proceed.
Second, you would have to believe that the US would work together with China and other world leaders to create this virus. A theory which was completely debunked by Fauci in his testimony before the Senate hearing committee before the evidence was released that proved this was in fact true. So, OK, I guess we can continue to proceed.
Third, the whole world would use this man made virus as an excuse to shut down the world's economy. Now of course we saw that the world did in fact shut down the world's economy, and yes there is a lot of evidence that the numbers killed and harmed by this virus were inflated purposefully to justify the lockdown. Now why would the most powerful people, the elites, the "city of Davos" want to shut down the economy? That is actually a little misleading, some industries were crushed, particularly small businesses, whereas other businesses had a banner year (Amazon, Zoom, etc). So why try to crush the middle class other than the fact that the middle class is the backbone of democracy. I mean if that were in fact what they were doing we would see evidence of totalitarian dictates. A dictator is completely contradictory to the US constitution, they would have to ignore the US constitution and begin dictating to Americans what they can and cannot do, where they can and cannot go, censor political speech, create black lists, get people fired, banned, etc. So, OK, I guess we have seen that so we can continue to proceed with this really bizarre conspiracy theory.
Fourth, so the idea is that these elites, the 1%, the people who profited from the mortgage meltdown and weren't prosecuted. You would have to believe that they don't care about you and only care about their own lives. Only then could you actually believe they would carry out the published strategic plans for world domination by the FreeMasons. The strategy is simple, since they are 1% they don't fight, instead they instigate 45% of the people to fight the other 45% of the people. For example they might instigate a race war between whites and all others in the US. They might empty jails and pay felons to cause chaos in the inner cities. They might promote defunding the police to help with this chaos. Another great war is to promote Muslims to fight Jews (backed by the US). Let them kill each other. Obviously you need to give the Muslims some help, leave billions of dollars of weaponry for them, give them a great victory to boost their ego, you know, things like that. OK, so we have seen all that play out as well, especially with what took place in Afghanistan. The beauty of this is they can blame it all on a president with dementia!
Fifth, now in this crazy plan you have the "vaccine", the crown jewel. You make the vaccine with something that can be stimulated by 5g radiation to absorb oxygen, and have this accumulate in your organs. You mandate that the US military all get vaccinated, and then you can easily defeat the US military leaving them only one option left (nuclear option). The US and China wipe each other out, Muslims and Jews wipe each other out, and now you have an open door for "the man of lawlessness" to become head of a reformed Roman empire and once again rule the world. True, you had to kill billions to achieve this, but hey, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs as Stalin once said.