You seem to be doing some major gymnastics here to avoid answering the question directly. Your reluctance is very telling. I'll ask just one more time. I know what I would say, and I am sure most christians would know the answer. It would only take one sentence (basically).
what doe's one do if they sin?
Im not doing any gymnatics.
Here is the issue.......i can teach you, but i can't learn it for you., and that is not an insult.
That is just the truth.
See, i bring Light, but i can't reveal it to you, as that is the Holy Spirit or Christ in you that is the revealer.
Scripture is not comprehended, its DISCERNED Spiritually.
"well, ive studied the bible for 50 yrs".
= meaningless, unless God is revealing the word to the "eyes of your understanding" and that is not your mind, phil36.
So, if you understand that you are...... "one with God", and that happens if you are born again, then NEXT you need to understand that the born again, exist, in the : Kingdom of God.
You are told to "be in the world but not OF IT".......and that is because you are not OF IT< if you are BORN AGAIN, into the Kingdom of God.
See it?
The born again are """"""Translated from darkness...........TO Light".
This LIGHT is God's Kingdom, and the born again exist THERE while they are in a body on the earth.
See, the born again, are no longer a part of the temporal existence, as they have been BORN AGAIN......INTO a new Kingdom that is not of this world.
The born again will get a NEW BODY that is designed for the born again Spirit.
The born Again SPIRIT, is waiting for that body, as the one we are in, is "dead because of sin".
So, in the KingdomOfGod< where the born again Exit...., there is no law, or sin, or any of this.....
The law and commandments are for the WORLD, not for the Born again Spirit that is "seated in heavenly places" "in Christ".
And that is why, when you try to TAG a born again Heavenly being as a sinner, who is become a Child of the Light, and Jesus is the Light of the are trying to place the situation that an unbeliever has, on the the Born again, as if both are in the same situation.
Listen to me..
The unbelievers are not in the Kingdom of God, and the Born again, are not any longer related to law or old covenant, or the "body of sin". that is "dead". "crucified with Christ.
See, the born again are RISEN with Christ, yet very few SEE themselves this way, and that is why they live in the mind of the flesh that keeps them in spiritual darkness. or as Paul teaches.......>"fallen from Grace"......."bewitched".......and "in the Flesh".
So, i realize that this is way beyond what you will ever hear from anyone else, and certainly your denomination and you past theological belief system is on full scale "what is he saying". ???????????????!!!!!???????
But i promise you that the Born again, are as RIGHTEOUS as God's righteous that has become who they are "in Christ".
There is no sin found "in Christ", and all the born again exit for eternity, as "ONE with GOD, In Christ".
Get your mind there, get your faith there and you will find this...."Christ always gives me the Victory".