Why aren't the disciples that the Messiah chose prioritized over Paul?
Good question....
PAUL is a "special case"..
God is very interesting. He is very very interesting, as He is a mystery who is always revealing Himself to you.
So, you asked me : "why did Christ make Paul an exception"......by choosing Him later, after Yeshua was back into heaven. ?
Simple answer.
The 12 were chosen to mostly Help Jesus with his earthly ministry to the Jews.
Paul was chosen later, because of this...:
"The time of the Gentiles"......began when the Cross was raised.
This is a season or you can call it a dispensation.........its a period of time when God is doing something unusual, and so, He chose Paul to be the "gentile apostle" in the Time of the Gentiles.
That's why he was chosen.
So, in the time of the Gentiles, you have some things happening that will end when the Grt Trib starts, and these same things were not in effect, before the Cross of Christ.
So, you can say that Paul is chosen for such a time as this........and the "this".....is the "time of the Gentiles'.
And that is why Paul is your prime example..... and your leader.
He's not the savior, but he is our Gold Standard, regarding how we are to understand the NT, as given, in the ""Time of the Gentiles.""
This is why Paul wrote most of the New Testament.
This is why every born again believer has to master the Pauline Epistles.....or the BIBLE will just be one confused maze to you.
This is why a real teacher, called by God, only teaches Pauline Theology, in the "time of the Gentiles".
You wont find a real teacher, called of God, in the time of the Gentiles leading you to Peter or to the Water, or to any idea of "trying to keep yourself saved".
Legalism is not of God, and Paul says it is "cursed of God".... Galatians 1:8
A real NT teacher will only lift up the Cross. They will only center all their theology upon the Blood of Christ and the Gift of God that is the Grace of God, as the Gospel.
Thats how you spot a real one., and that is how you discern a deceiver who is pretending to be a real teacher on a forum or in a pulpit, or in a TV ministry.