Actually my basic argument is that the Antichrist has been prefigured in those three men I mentioned: Nero, Stalin, and Hitler. All three have been consigned to the ash heap of history. Just because they were megalomaniacs and intended to take over the world did not make it so. We are restraining what they want to accomplish with the vaccine. I could go into great detail about how the arrogance of man makes him a fool and there may be no better example than this failed bioweapon attack.
I don't really think you are asking me if Revelation describes holocaust that is far greater than anything Hitler or Stalin did. I don't think you are asking if the Spirit of Nero is the Spirit of Antichrist, and his little tactic of burning down the portion of the city he wanted to buy as a way to get it cheap gives us a pattern of how the antichrist will work. Nor do I think you have to be shown in the Bible where Satan is said to be the ruler of this world and that he treats us as slaves just as Pharaoh did without any regard as to whether we live or die, just as Pharaoh had them kill the baby boys. Satan is a liar, a thief and a murderer.
So just because they want to do something, just as Goliath wanted to do something, doesn't mean they will be successful. Will an incredible number of people be killed? Yes. However, China may think that they are about to rule the world, but the rug is about to be pulled out from under them. China has a very weak underbelly, they think they will be able to seize Taiwan but they are mistaken.
The key point to all of this and what you really are asking is that the Lord Jesus return is likened to a thief coming in the night. Right now the world is primed for famine. Between drought, flood and fire it has been a very bad year, actually a very bad series of years for the food harvests. Last year we went through our food stores, cleared them out, which is why we are seeing horrific scenes of famine in Yemen and Madagascar. This year, as it is going so far it will be much worse. However, that isn't factoring in the rapture. The people who are going to be taken are the producers, the ones the rest of the economy depends on. Maybe they drive a truck, or an airplane, or work in a hospital, or on the farm. Everyone of them will be missed, just like the slaves in Egypt were. That will be a devastating loss that no one is calculating right now, but then we will have some supernatural disasters that will be equally catastrophic to the world so that in one day they will realize the great day of the Lord's wrath has come.
My basic argument is Psalm 121 for the believers, or Isaiah 26 if you want a more all inclusive view to include the Lord coming out of His place to execute judgement.