So the media wants us to believe this variant is deadlier than last year. Biden says the pandemic is actually unvaccinated. He is talking about forcing all federal employees. What's next? Kids are still seemingly resistant of the virus but yet they want them to be masked up. What are we to believe? Why has the vaccine not been FDA approved? Does natural immunity from the first variant help protect you against the second. Which is better? Natural or vaccine? Both run out over time.
Yes, vaccination should be optional. However, it should be a personal choice to get the vaccination (or not) and not be subjected to the rants of conspiracy theorists.
I thought I lived far enough away from "hotspots" not to be concerned about COVID. No, an infected person came to the supermarket where I shop, which is a few minutes walk away. I was not there at the same time, so it's not a problem. I'm 70, so it could be nasty if I caught it.
I don't get the COVID vaccine for these reasons:
I react badly to flu vaccine
The current vaccines are not 100% effective
The virus mutates, so how many vaccinations will I need?
Unbelievers have no hope in God, so all they have is the vaccine. Terrible diseases have been reduced or even eliminated by vaccines. And no, a chip implant is not going to fit down the needle of a hypodermic.