We are called to discern, to beware of, to correct ourselves prior to judging sinful behavior, etc. All the people in the OSAS camp that knew and were familiar with Dave Gass, Paul Maxwell, Josh Harris, and the many others that professed faith in Christ as Savior and Lord, preached the gospel message, taught through the Bible, etc, believed God knew their hearts that they were eternally saved. However, when they fell away and renounced Christ completely, their response: they were never truly saved. Does that mean they were false teachers from the beginning? Or can it be that they did have faith, God knew their hearts because they did have faith, but they were once saved, but they walked away, they apostacized, they succumbed to temptations: the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life, the world, and the devil?
Do you know anyone personally who claims they are supposedly born again, they profess Jesus as savior and Lord, which means they upposedly came to repentance and faith in Jesus, but is not living a changed life, and are still doing all the sinful things and going to all the sinful places and saying all the same sinful talk they engaged in before they proclaimed to you that they were "born again"? And if you do know someone like that, do you consider them eternally saved?