No you are not agreeing with the word of God. You are trying to apply scripture to situations that aren’t applicable. Christ told the Jews (not us) if you divorce your wife for reason other than fornication, you force her and a future lover to commit adultery. That’s just not true today. If I divorce my wife, she has no need to remarry. She makes good money, and has a wealthy father, who will be leaving her more than enough to sustain her.
So, if I must apply a verse every time I want to take a step in life then why not, “Whoever leaves their wife for my sake will inherit a hundred times in the life to come.”?
I’m honestly waiting for the Lord to instruct me as He has in the past. I’m not going to choose a path based on what God told someone else, somewhere else, some time long ago. He is present.
it is true today because when God said as Jesus quoted in Matthew 5 and Matt 19:3-6 What God has joined together Let nothing separate. Then Jesus said, Moses, permitted the letter of divorcement because of your unforgiven Heart, which is the number one reason why divorce happens today, again not the only reason.
Times and seasons
then women could not go and work they were home builders and raising children
Women today have been " liberated " these helped men leave their wives easier she did not have to become a woman of adultery to make it as they did then, in addition, the government today will support the mother and child as long as the man is not in the home.
a Demonic way to tear down the family by removing the father. Which Jesus said would happen Divorce is not fixing anything it is tearing people apart and children
many women after divorce suffer from the abuse long after the abuser has left to where they can't even move on in their life. many young people today lack social skills because the examples we have had failed us.
This is why Jesus said and the word of God deal with your heart you adulterers and fornicators repent and serve the Lord build up your faith so when you do get married you are not entering into a relationship with baggage. When you are married pray for your husband and wife and ask God is this what you want me to do? NOT do it then ask God to bless your actions.