Here's what I've learned for what it's worth Kauko. There's this quote by Benjamin Franklin, one of our founding fathers of USA, and it's something like if you pursue safety over freedom you'll end up with neither. In the same vein, I think if you pursue women over personal excellence you'll likely end up with neither. Women choose mates sideways or up. What I mean by that is women want someone that comes from similar backgrounds economically, intellectually, emotionally - fill in all the blanks - or they choose mates economically superior or with passions greater than theirs. Either way, women choose men with aim. Purpose.
Women want to be able to stare across the table and see a giant. Not in a physical sense, but someone they're proud of, someone they respect, a man who leads. Takes care of things. Makes decisions and sticks to them. Has a good heart and a passion for their faith, whatever their faith is. Please notice I left that last sentence (whatever their faith is) fairly ambiguous.
They're not going to be attracted by the guy sitting across from her when all he's got is passion for her. She's looking for passion for life. Pursuit of excellence. Now, it's pretty clear you've got the passion, but if there's advice to be had it's to have passion for your faith and your work and for excellence in all you do that does NOT stop at marriage and if you do, I can guarantee you that women will come. It just happens.
The reason I left that sentence - "whatever their faith is" - ambiguous is because you have the power to enact change. God is the heart changer, but He uses us as the farm hand. The planter of His seed is you. I'm suggesting this because even if a woman is not a Christian and in a non Christian world, God's seed can be planted by her man she admires. Her man she respects. Her man she listens too and believes is trustworthy. The man with passion for Christ. Often other men with pursuits for excellence more worldly let that seed lie in fallow.