For one, I have not in the past 15 years believed in the pre-trib Rapture, and this Verse reference gives more credence to my idealism. Now, which Denomination is promoting that idea? Good question! The majority are still thinking they will magically escape the Tribulation and the End Times. And they might if they naturally die before it happens. But for the rest of the living Believers in Christ, Revelation Chapter 20 and Verse 4 is something they might as well get acquainted with. But also knowing That Christ said, "[Immediately] after the Great Tribulation to watch for signs and His Second Coming," tells me not all Believers will face Revelation 20:4, but will survive the entire 7 years and be Caught Up when Christ returns.
Hello AandW,
I like their root beer by the way.
Likewise, I have not in the last 45 years believed in a mid or post tribulation gathering of the church. The error here is not understanding who the group is in Rev.20:4-6 who are being resurrected.
The other problem with a post tribulation gathering, is that it puts the living church through the entire wrath of God, of which scripture states that we are not appointed to suffer. And it is not speaking about the wrath of being condemned at the great white throne judgment, but any of God's wrath and that because Jesus already satisfied that on behalf of every believer. Therefore, God's wrath no longer rests upon those in Christ.
Once the church has been gathered, there will be those who will become believers after the gathering and during the time of God's wrath, who are not the church. These are introduced in Revelation 7:9-17 as that great number which no man can count from every nation, tribe, people and language, which makes them Gentile believers. The fact that the elder is asking John who this group is, after he just previously wrote to the seven churches supports the fact that they are not the church, but a new group being introduced. It is further supported by the fact that when the elder asks John who they are, he says that he doesn't know. These are those same saints of Rev.20:4-6 whom the beast will make war against and conquer during the last 3 1/2 years of that seven year period. This group will not love their lives so much as to shrink away from death, but will keep their testimony of Jesus, the word of God and will not worship the beast, his image nor receive his mark.
In further support of the church not being on the earth during the time of God's wrath/tribulation, the last time the word 'ekklesia' translated as 'church' is at the end of chapter 3. Revelation 4:1 is a prophetic allusion to where the church is gathered and which is why the word 'ekklesia/church' no longer appears in the narrative of God's wrath. It is a clue from God that His church is no longer on the earth.
Therefore, the church will indeed supernaturally escape according to the Lord's promise to come and get us to take us back to the Father's house to those places that the Lord went to prepare for us, of which 1 Thess.4:16-17 reveals in detail.
The Lord's return for His church as always been imminent. For those who believe in a mid or post tribulation gathering of the church it cannot be imminent, because God's wrath in the form of the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments must take place first. Therefore, those who are looking for the pre-tribulation gathering of the church, are looking for the Lord's imminent appearing. Where those who believe in a mid or post tribulation gathering, must first look for the wrath of God and the pouring out of the 7th bowl before Christ can gather us. In that case there would be no comforting each other with those words of being changed and caught up Nor would the gathering be a blessed hope, because the church would be on the earth exposed to the same plagues of wrath that the wicked will be exposed to.
However, Paul makes it clear that sudden destruction will come upon those who do not believe and that they will not escape that time of God's wrath and that believers do not belong to the darkness or the night will escape so that this day should surprise us like a thief.
God's wrath is not for believers who are remaining faithful and watching for the Lord's appearing. It is going to come in fulfillment of that last seven years of the seventy sevens that were decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem and upon a Christ rejecting world. God's wrath no longer rests upon the believer and therefore must be gathered prior to said wrath.