How do you know the year?
Act 24
27 When two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, but because Felix wanted to grant a favor to the Jews, he left Paul in prison.
Paul went to Rome when festus begin to reign replace Felix, and base on Jew historian, festus in power start AD 59, let say took 3 months so Paul in r
Ome about ad 59 to ad ad 60
The counsel of James and elders of the church in Jerusalem (Act 21:18-25)
The arrest of Paul in the temple (Act 21:26-40)
The defense by Paul to the Jewish mob (Act 22:1-30)
The defense by Paul before the Sanhedrin council (Act 23:1-10)
The plot against Paul and deliverance to Felix (Act 23:11-35)
The trial before Felix; procrastination by Felix (Act 24:1-27)
The appearance before Festus and appeal to Caesar (Act 25:1-12)
The defense before Festus and King Agrippa (Act 25:13-26:32)
The journey to Rome; shipwreck along the way (Act 27:1-28:16)
The explanation of Paul to the leaders of the Jews in Rome (Act 28:17-29)
The waiting in Rome for two years, yet preaching and teaching (Act 28:30-31)
Review Questions for the Introduction
and yet it took paul five to six years to get to rome to die.
59–60 Appears before Festus and appeals to Caesar; voyage to Rome
60–62 Under house arrest at Rome; writes letters to Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon
62–64 Released; journeys to Spain?; writes letters to Timothy and Titus
64 Returns to Rome; martyred