I think that we’re all sinners homosexuals also liars also adulterers ect we all have sins that Gods willing to forgive , the condition is repentance
a liar has to stop lying because they don’t want to serve thier flesh will and desire
The same for homosexuals they have to repent of thier sin also rather than trying to use Jesus to condone and accept thier sin with the person
now , the worldly argument is “ that’s just how they were born not thier fault”
the biblical argument is “ Satan is the root of our sinful desires that oppose Gods will and desire for us that’s good and right
we shouldn’t think a homosexual is worse than even a liar , but we have to acknowledge the truth and come to repentance either way no matter what our particular sins and struggles are we don’t get to change what God said is an abomination and will send them to hell and condone it based on the worlds sympathy and decision that it’s normal and acceptable
no Christian should try to judge and forbid a homosexual from coming to Jesus , but we also oils never explain that what hey are doing is approved by God in fact we are told to tell the truth about sin so they know to repent
the problem is that the world has all these ideas about right and wrong , and then God the creator has all these other ideas that he says ok give eternal
Life and the worlds ways will lead to eternal damnation
every man is free to choose Thier own lists and desires and live a good life on earth depending on what they do
then the Bible explains that we all have to be judged according to what God said after we die, for the way we lived our life. Did we lie and cheat and steal our way through ? Did we consider ourselves high and look down on other sinners we didn’t approve of ? Did we love Tom please our own desires that God tells us will lead to damnation ? Or did we ever acknowledge the truth and repent and escape the devils deception in the world that tells us Gods word doesn’t apply anymore
“And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”
2 Timothy 2:24-26 KJV
it’s okay to acknowledge we’re sinners , it’s not okay to condone and continue in those sins were made aware of is the thing it’s asensetive thing to the world but not even a question about this to God it’s another thing man needs to come to repentance for like Dodson and Gomorrah never did