I think I know what you mean.
More and more and more I just want to get on with living my own simple, proper and simple life before The LORD, casting all my cares upon Him.
(Hopefully I can manage to be a little bit humble too!)
People can't multi-task. They can't even single-task effectively for too long without a break.
The more variables you have in your life, the harder it is to be one with The LORD.
I would rather just do one or two things well, and not many things to 'an acceptable level'.
I want my life to be simple and pure.
I want to be grateful that I exist in God's Creation.
I want to be completely satisfied if my body and mind's basic needs are met, and even if they're not.
And I want to do everything I can to help those who struggle in life, to find their own peace in The LORD.
I will say a prayer for you.

- look after yourself, brother.