You know this ANTI-PRE-TRIB movement today, is a VERY DANGEROUS POSITION.
The Lord and the Holy Spirit, has CONVINCED Me that the Pre-Trib Position is absolutely Correct.
But for hypothetical speculation, We Pre-Tribbers are Proven Wrong, we just shift gears, and focus on Mid-Trib. AND if that be PROVEN WRONG, We just then focus on Post-Trib; while we KEEP ON TRUSTING THE LORD and HIS PLAN for the Bride.
But Mid-Trib and Post-Trib believers insist on not getting ready early, and keeping ready, AND IT HAPPENS TO BE PRE-TRIB, OH MY! You Just Missed the ONLY BOAT THAT THERE Ever is Going to BE!

The Lord and the Holy Spirit, has CONVINCED Me that the Pre-Trib Position is absolutely Correct.
But for hypothetical speculation, We Pre-Tribbers are Proven Wrong, we just shift gears, and focus on Mid-Trib. AND if that be PROVEN WRONG, We just then focus on Post-Trib; while we KEEP ON TRUSTING THE LORD and HIS PLAN for the Bride.
But Mid-Trib and Post-Trib believers insist on not getting ready early, and keeping ready, AND IT HAPPENS TO BE PRE-TRIB, OH MY! You Just Missed the ONLY BOAT THAT THERE Ever is Going to BE!