(Poems: 12:24-25)
24: Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow,
25: And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.
“Mary” Not Sue or Wanda. Mary alone was set aside for special blessings. She was favored by God.
Wanda and Sue are not justified.
“had” Mary participated in the event, it was not involuntary. To be blessed we all must participate.
“a little” Apparently large lambs are excluded and not worthy of our attention. They are unchosen.
“Lamb” She did not have a goat or a colt or even a calf, lambs alone are blessed. Other creatures are secondary and subject to condemnation. We all need to be a lamb.
Well, you get the picture. We can plainly see how the lamb secured his own place in heaven.
24: Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow,
25: And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.
“Mary” Not Sue or Wanda. Mary alone was set aside for special blessings. She was favored by God.
Wanda and Sue are not justified.
“had” Mary participated in the event, it was not involuntary. To be blessed we all must participate.
“a little” Apparently large lambs are excluded and not worthy of our attention. They are unchosen.
“Lamb” She did not have a goat or a colt or even a calf, lambs alone are blessed. Other creatures are secondary and subject to condemnation. We all need to be a lamb.
Well, you get the picture. We can plainly see how the lamb secured his own place in heaven.