I disagree that this is what it means. Ok, the Master returns after entrusting a portion of wealth to his servant. The servant was lazy. When confronted the servant starts making excuses that he was afraid of losing the money because the Master is a tyrant, a person who takes what isn’t His. So, instead of the Master defending the unfounded statement, He traps the lazy servant in his own illogical defence. “If you thought I was such a tyrant, why did you not fear me enough to at least put the money in the bank for at least a bit of interest?
The servants or slaves were taken care of, fed, clothed and sheltered. Instead of doing what was requested the servant figured it’s not worth his time to try to make such a small amount grow. The moral of the story is that no matter how “gifted” or seemingly “ungifted” we may be, we can all contribute. It’s been said that a great number of people are willing to do a great work for God but few are willing to do a small. You don’t have to be the best, but you can’t be lazy.