Praise his name! I had an experience today that I will give God the glory for. I go out to start the mower, and one of the tires is flat. Ok, I go to pump it up and the tire is too deflated (it's one of those worthless modern tubeless tires), So, I try the hand pump, the mobile pump in the car, and a can of flat fix - nothing works. I'm freaking out, well, because that's what I do in a crisis. I take the tire off and get ready to take it to town to see if someone can help me repair it.
Just before I do that, and spend money I do not have, I prayed and said you know, God, you're in charge. Can you please help me get this tire fixed? I gave the problem over to God, and quit stressing about it because I know that he cares about ALL of our needs.
Just before I go to town, I propped the tire up on a stand and hooked the car mobile air pump on it again, and turned it on. While the pump is pumping, it occurred to me to squeeze the tire to get it to better seat on the metal wheel. So I did that, and wow, it started filling up - I couldn't believe it! Put the tire back on and went to work!
God does care about every little thing in our lives. If only I went to God first without the panic attack, I'd have been a lot better off!