You are always "real big" on showing others the fallacy of their posts. Well - boy, did you fall into it this time!
This thread
is not about Flat Earth.
There is no theory to prove.
It is about Ball Earth.
only Ball Earth.
It is intended only to
question Ball Earth.
It is not intended to be about anything else.
It is
you and others who have brought Flat Earth into it.
I have said
nothing about Flat Earth.
I have not gone anywhere near Flat Earth except-and-unless someone else brought it up first.
I have only
questioned Ball Earth.
It is a very sad illustration indeed that Ball Earth folks cannot even remain in a Ball Earth model discussion without trying to disparage Flat Earth because they cannot stand strictly upon the Ball Earth model alone.
If you cannot expain and defend Ball Earth strictly from a Ball Earth POV, then - in this thread - your comments and opinions are worthless.
Anyone who cannot make a good pure-science ('real' science) explanation in answer to the questions raised in this thread concerning the Ball Earth model - don't bother - it will be meaningless - because -
this thread is about questioning the Ball Earth model.
So - if anyone has a good answer to the questions concerning the Ball Earth model that are raised in this thread - then, let's hear it!
Otherwise, anything else that is said by Ball Earth folks will surely be taken to be proof that they are incapable of putting forth anything to validate what they believe in blindly but do not even understand themselves.
This thread is not about answering what folks don't understand about the Flat Earth model.
This thread is about answering what does not make sense in the Ball Earth model.
And, that is ALL that it is about.
I don't want to discuss the Flat Earth model in this thread.
I don't want to turn it into a Flat Earth thread.
I want this thread to be about raising questions - and getting answers - to "Ball Earth conundrums" (read the title).
So --- you are wrong.
In this thread, I don't have to prove anything. I am asking questions about what makes no sense about the Ball Earth model.
If anyone has anything to offer that will actually answer the questions, then I welcome their comments, opinions, observations, etc.
Otherwise, I will assume-by-default that no one on CC has any good answers to those questions.
And, that is okay.
But, there is no good reason for Ball Earth folks to "trash" the thread - it only goes to show that they are perturbed by their own inability to answer the questions - and can only respond by "striking out" at things (like FE) that are not even intended to be in the conversation.
So - do all of you folks think we can actually have a conversation about the Ball Earth model without all of the extraneous other things to detract from what I would think you would very much like - a discussion [strictly] about the Ball Earth model.
Can you handle it?
Can you do it?
Let's find out...