I hear what you're saying . . . that said, I want to make sure that PChristenson doesn't feel that I view him as actual swine. Again, I hear you. PChristenson has a solid grasp on Scriptures, in my meager opinion. I was just making a strong point that when we hear of things that we haven't heard of before, we shouldn't be so quick to rule them out. That kind of thinking hinges upon horrific statements from "christians" such as . . . "What I say has been established by the Lord!" Uggg . . . my former best friend of 35 years once felt that way about himself. Well, he felt that way until decades passed and he was able to see that his wretched, pathetic life disqualified all of those ideas that he once held onto like a stick of pride.
My current landlord claims that she has the "favor of the Lord." Yikes. She doesn't pay taxes on her rental income, abuses her beautiful horse, has contributed to causing the elderly man that I've watched for three years to not want to wake up in the mornings, drinks booze while she rides the horse, even refusing to protect him from an aggressive, mid-sized dog that lives about two football fields away. Instead of acknowledging the fear of her 83-year-old tenant, she ignored him completely. But . . . because she has the "favor of the Lord," if a person says ANYTHING that she does not agree with, by default, that person is completely wrong. And of course! For, she has the favor of the Lord! Pft . . . in two years she has shown nothing that resembles a Godly page from the Bible.
I'm 99% PChristenson isn't like the above human with a stony heart. I just like to get people to remember that we're to listen and be willing to learn. We don't have to run around correcting everyone on everything thing goes against our knowledge base. I get it . . . I've done it! I'm guilty! I've wanted to change this about myself for a long time . . . lately I've been feeling like the Lord may have flipped this Spiritual Switch for me . . . and that I am in a period of change for the better. I hope so.
Pchristenson is good beans. I'd recommend that others read what he says.