I haven't moved on.
I haven't accepted it, except in the sense that I don't know what we're supposed to do about it. He's the acting president and every group that had the power to stop him joined his side.
"Trust Mike Pence!" Nope.
"Trust our new conservative Supreme Court!" Nope.
"Trust the military!" Nope.
everyone is cowering b4 the possessed ones.
reminds me of that psg in Revelation that litanizes those who are on their way to Hell... one group being "the cowardly"
yes, we can all be that... but good grief... What would have befallen the Rs had they really stood behind Trump? Really, what? Oh, the Ds would say bad things about them? Oh, the poor little things...
another group going to Hell is
Those who cause others to sin
I think of the pro-abortion fanatics and all the dead babies and the women who have to live with Post Abortion Syndrome... I think of how this admin and co. have polluted America... Blood is on their hands..
To whom more is given, the Word says, More is required. Much has been given these thugs... Much will be required. If they do not repent, they will get as low a place in Hell as Stalin and Hitler..