I followed this links. And i found Websites which calling this links as known for giving fake news, conspiration, rightradical and unserious resources. So it is f.e. not true that the Covid virus is not to identify in lab.
Till today many millions are vaccined against Covid Worldwide. Where are the crowd of dieng people because of vaccine.
The Web is full of fake news.
I am not a doctor, but I work in a hospital with Covidpatients. O have Co workers which are sick from Covid. And having still after the infection time health problems. One nurse is 29 years old. She had after the infection breath problems and thrombose in the legs.
Of course the vaccine can make sideeffects, like every other Medikament too.
But the effects of the Covid infection are more harmful then the vaccine.
That is what the left and one worlders want you to believe. The news is not fake.
Kindly post an example of what you are saying is fake. No one said there was a crowd of dying people so don't make out like all there is is false rhetoric. Deaths are reported, but the left denies it because who is going to get the jab if they report of these deaths?
When this country and I guess others, still had a conscience, one death resulting from medicine or jabs would send up a flag and 25 (which is way too many) would remove the product from the scene. Understand, that drug giant companies like Pfizer, Moderna and the like ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DEATHS, SIDE EFFECTS OR ANY OTHER UNTOWARD AND UNDESIRABLE EFFECT of their poisons.
So, seems it does not matter the side effects or deaths. IT'S ALL THE MONEY. Not one of these drug giants are in it to help humanity
There are people who have contracted 'covid' AFTER being fully 'vaccinated'.
The Web is full of fake news.
This is true. The fake news is coming from the left, the one worlders, men like Gates and Soros, the entire illegitimate Biden presidency, the fake media and so called social media platforms.
Of course the vaccine can make sideeffects, like every other Medikament too.
The difference being that these wonder vaccs were never tested as EVERY OTHER SINGLE DRUG TO HIT THE MARKET, for years and with actual tests being done. Be aware also, these these drug companies have been sued for previously HIDING the truth from some of their testing with regards to other drugs.
And, remember that these companies CANNOT BE SUED now or later, no matter what happens with regards to their covid shots. That was part of the deal they made with the previous admin. They have employed a type of technology they were experimenting with but had not yet actually been prepared to administer. But they were turned loose to create this Frankenstein of a formula to give to people with the whole world as their testing lab.
But the effects of the Covid infection are more harmful then the vaccine
Really? Within the first 5 days of being sick with covid, if proper easily attainable drugs are administered, almost all...ALL...people will respond and will not develop all the symptoms of covid. Of course that is not what you are going to hear. Let's not discuss the thousands of dollars the government (in this country anyway) had given and continues to give, to hospitals for every patient they shove a respirator down.
They now know these respirators cause blood clots but they still use them. Immoral people all the way round it would seem.
When you accept what you are being told, you are being lied to and deceived. Refusing to believe anything contrary to what is the false news about how good the products are, works to put people in a state of fear. The fear response is 'just listen to big daddy government, do what you are told and the fear will go away because we will save you.
I guess you don't know that the health care workers here in the United States who are REFUSING the vaccine is above the national average. Gee. What do they know that the rest of us don't know?
The left will tell you it is because of fake news, but these people are frontline and not stupid.
I'm sorry, but I am not going to continue this conversation with you. I think you have enough information, but you have already received the vaccination and most likely, where you live, you had no choice. So, that's it from me.