God called me to seminary, twice! It was the best thing I have ever done. It enriched my understanding of the Bible, taught me biblical languages, and many tools for ministry.
No one taught me theology. We had a professor and an excellent text book, but the basic principle was that the prof would give out the basic forms of theology, then we would examine for ourselves to see what we believed, and then it could be confirmed by comparing to the theory, and more important, the Bible!
For example, we learned about the ideas about how we are saved, decide what we believe, and defend it.
Another big area is Eschatology, has 4 different patterns:
1. Historic Premillennialism
2. Postmillennialism
3. Amillennialism
4. Dispensationalist Premillennialism.
All of these are accepted as theological valid, although people do debate extensively which view the Bible supports better.
We all need to be reading our Bibles daily, month after month, year after year. The Holy Spirit leads us into truth, but a seminary which has profs of different backgrounds who tell us what they believe, and pray with us, that God will guide us. The idea is to help us learn hermeneutics, so we have the tools and skills to decide for ourselves what is God's truth. Rather than learning HOW or WHAT to believe, we learn to search and study the Bible, to compare & contrast what we believed.
I went to a Canadian Baptist Seminary. We had people from many denominations, people came because of the quality of the courses and the professors, who were all overseas missionaries for a least 10 years. They had incredible insight and training on how to share the gospel, in an honest and open matter.
We had Lutherans and Reformed, various Baptist conferences, Anglicans, Presbyterian and Mennonite. We also had one Charismatic, who was a good challenge for people who had never been exposed to the sign gifts. I missed one course, because I was recovering from surgery. Pastoral Ministries. They were learning how to baptize and the charismatic decided to speak in tongues and interpret themself. The whole seminary was still in an uproar, when I went on campus for another intensive, 6 months later.
He was not thrown out or chastised. Pastors need to be friends with people who have different theology, and why they are different, and the same. That school was no box of pre-prepared lessons, for sure.
Some seminaries teach "our way and only our way." I think those are the schools to avoid. Seminary teach critical thinking, over views and gives us deeper insight into the story of Jesus Christ. If you do feel God's calling, be very sure the seminary you pick is going to give you a complete education, not just narrow boundaries of one denomination. But, be even more careful not to go to some seminary, that is "woke" liberal, leftist. Again, they are very set in their ways, as well as having compromised with the world!
I'm so grateful God called me to seminary, and now theological school, to earn a PhD in disability theology. If you have not heard a call from God, I would suggest you wait till you have a call. Times when I had too much work, or struggled, it was the call that I heard from God, twice, and the leading of the Holy Spirit that helped me keep in persevering. And it was worth it. Because seminary didn't just shape my intellect, but also my mind and soul, including my emotions. God taught me so much! If you get the right seminary, it can be a huge addition to the transformation into the image of God-Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father!