I think you are limiting the word of the Lord by saying God is only speaking of sexual purity. The Lord is speaking of treating our body as a temple of the Lord.
In the context it is limited to sexual purity - as per 1 cor 6 (I quoted that part in its proper context in Post #93)
Anyone is free to make It mean whatever else t hey personally would like it to mean, but I was just saying what the biblical context meant it for.
If you know of any other use of the phrase in scripture I would be glad to learn more though.
But I think you are not limiting some verses enough! When the Lord tells us that what goes in our body is eliminated, it was in response to people who said it was part of obedience to God to never eat pork. God had ordered people to never eat meat from animals that were built to eat garbage as a reminder to not put garbage in their minds. When the holy spirit did that for us, God said the pork was eliminated, but food for our minds was not.
Yes absolutely - Christ made that clear. in doing so He didn’t instruct the Jews not to Keep observing the ceremonial food laws as some imagine, and we know that from the fact Peter was documented as continuing to observe them even beyond Christ’s resurrection.
But we are not under law
I don’t take any offence or indignation at anyone adhering to any Type of diet or exercise regime - I have tried a few and some helped and some did not. It’s a personal thing and not one method works for every body type when it comes to health.
I don’t really have much more to say, just trying to answer the few who responded to my responses.
I just find the title of the thread and the attitudes in some responses - not all of course - quite arrogant, legalistic, dogmatic, lacking in grace and and Well - just a bit disturbing.
There are simply no biblical rules or commands about eating and drinking for the Christian - other than to do it to the glory of God (and not to do it if it offends others, or to excess.)
Any other rules and regulations may well be sensible, even beneficial - but totally optional and do not relate to any lack in a believer who doesn’t follow suite, or Mean they have some sort of doctrinal ignorance.
To say - this way of eating has blessed and helped me And I found it in scripture and want to share it for anyone would like to know more... It might help someone.
Well that’s lovely, Thoughtful, beneficial, edifying and helpful.
The thread title is anything but. That is it from me. I have dragged my point out way too long. I wish you all well with your eating topic