I'm startled at how far and wide the reach of the tentacles of the industrial propaganda machine go. It isn't just the media, but think of any other sector that influences public opinion.
Whether it's digital media like the Internet, books, magazines, movies/television/video games, to activists in influential positions in courts, politics, mental health services, doctors, or anything else.
Outlets that are beacons of truth, glowing in the night, are ever-receding islands of truth that stand in stark contrast to the overall sea of lies.
You are the light of the world! Build your city on a hill so that all of those in the surrounding darkness can clearly see you! Give the truth of the gospel to the world and do good so others will glorify our Father in heaven.
Make it known in no uncertain terms that we are Christians. We are salt and the world is rotting flesh. We prevent moral and spiritual decay! The buck stops with us and we will not allow the spirit of wickedness to act through us.
Whether it's digital media like the Internet, books, magazines, movies/television/video games, to activists in influential positions in courts, politics, mental health services, doctors, or anything else.
Outlets that are beacons of truth, glowing in the night, are ever-receding islands of truth that stand in stark contrast to the overall sea of lies.
You are the light of the world! Build your city on a hill so that all of those in the surrounding darkness can clearly see you! Give the truth of the gospel to the world and do good so others will glorify our Father in heaven.
Make it known in no uncertain terms that we are Christians. We are salt and the world is rotting flesh. We prevent moral and spiritual decay! The buck stops with us and we will not allow the spirit of wickedness to act through us.
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