Another twisting of Scripture to prove a weak point. Twisting Jesus' words could be seen as blaspheming Him. As we can see through Jesus' experience with Satan in the wilderness, how Satan quotes Scripture out of context.
I am not twisting scripture. The ability to picture and see things in our minds is part of the function of our mind. Some people are strong with that. I am not. I am stronger with the verbal and conceptual side of things. It is not something evil. God gave us these intellectual abilities.
Newagers happen to drink water. That doesn't make drinking water evil. Canaanites made alters out of unhewn stone. That doesn't make the practice evil. God even required that of the Israelites. If New Agers make much of the idea of picturing something with the mind, that doesn't make it an inherently pagan practice. And if Christians picture what they are praying about with their minds, that doesn't make it evil. There is no commandment against it. You should not invent one if none exists. Do not lay heavy burdens on people, and for some people who think in pictures, forbidding visualizing would be a heavy burden.
I am not in favor of emphasizing it as something important, since the scriptures do not. But nor would I forbid it, because the scriptures do not. The scriptures describe certain things in great detail as if the reader were to picture it, for example the Cherubim under the throne in Ezekiel with the wheel within the wheel, the tabernacle.