A lot of those people would be so grateful to be here they would be the most law abiding and upstanding people we have.
You would think that. That is how you and I would probably behave.
Let me assure you, I live in Europe, and the "refugees" who come here are all but law abiding citizens. It is a disgrace that the media shows us pictures of women crying with their sons somewhere, but they do NOT show you the pictures from actual refugee centres in Europe where vast majority is grown men. Where are all the women?? Why are these coward men leaving their families and coming here? Few reasons:
1. They know Europe is weak and are taking advantage of its liberal people who give free housing, food etc. from cradle to grave.
2. They are motivated to take over Europe, and no this is not a conspiracy, these words come from their own mouths as they laugh at the british people on camera and say haha we are taking over your blocks.
3. They were on the "wrong side" of the civil war and lost and are afraid of the consequences
4. They are criminals who did something evil in their home country and are wanted men and want to flee the consequences.
Oh and about contributing to society? They contribute nothing. They have HUGE unemployment rates and are nothing but a burden not only financially but even worse: Criminal pest. These people have turned the streets of Germany, France, England, Sweden etc. into much more unsafe places. They have brought with themselves diseases, and have divided these countries into people who are for them and against them. They have created this big problem of complaining about discrimination and racism while they are being pandered to from cradle to grave, showing no sign of respect for their host country.
If the borders remained closed we would have a stronger economy, less useless expenses, less crime, less "religious diversity" which really means more complaining about all things Christian and more islamic babble. We would have no complaints about racism and discrimination. We would have an easier time communicating as everyone would speak the same language.