I think most of us have a health distrust of those in power (both in Washington and corporate America). Unfortunately, I can't help but wonder if a large percentage of this stuff that is running rampant on the internet (much of which is easily proven to be false) isn't put there by those on the extreme left to make those who actually fall for it look foolish (and as a result discredit those on the right).
I agree the left has no bounds in lies and deceit.
One thing I know is a fact,the battle ground states changed election laws in violation of their state and US constitutions, times, dates, drop boxes, signature verifications, that unlawfully affected the election in favor of Biden, as the conservative Republicans were silenced at every turn.
(Fact) Atlanta Georgia
Ruby Freeman, her daughter and four others counted votes from boxes hid under a table "After" republican poll watchers were sent home for the night, stacks counted multiple times, all caught on CCTV, accounting for 20,000-30-000 votes
President Trump lost Georgia by supposedly 11,800 votes?
It's a fact that Georgia in the 2016 election, absentee ballots saw a 8.7% rejection rate, signature verification, etc.
After signature verification was changed bypassing legislature in 2020 the rejection rate was .2%?
Fact, President Trump won 16/17 bellwether counties, with Ohio and Florida to boot, key indicators for the win, as Biden campaigned from his basement.
The 2020 Presedential Election was a criminal fraud, and this has been "Silenced" by the leftist big tech and media, as conservatives are banned from platforms that even mention the words (Election Fraud)
What has taken place with (Ruby Freeman) and her daughter, (Silence) in the news as to my recent searches?
Just a few honorable mentions of the (Facts) there are many more.