Caveat: Post from Telegram - NEW Alternative Christian Conservative Social Media were Patriots still have Freedom of Speech and Worship without Censorship...
LION OF JUDAH, [07.03.21 23:21]
God is so awesome, I really mean God is so awesome, he always shows up right on time, many times we ask God for help but for some reason we always think it should happen right then, we dont seem to have the patience to wait on him, I believe when we get upset cause we didnt get what we asked for right then we seem to have lost our faith, having faith is a big part of walking with God, we need to learn to believe in his word, have faith, and learn to wait upon Him, he knows what you need and when you really need it, he is always right on time. God I love you and thank you for all you have done for us, I glorify you, praise you, and worship you. I'm so glad I'm never alone for you are always with me.
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