What do you imagine those gametes are made of?
I'll tell you: dust.
I'll tell you: dust.
What are all these degrees for, yet you believe man was made from dust...
Even the animals was brought forth by water, and by air, and by the earth, but man was made from dust. Its unbelievable to me how anyone can think this is true.
There is a height Moses was not able to catch because he is not a Prophet. Man was not made from dust. GOD stategically placed 12 Most precious Stones in the earth (before the fall so not a fallen earth). The earth was baptised into those 12 Most Precious Stones. HE then took those 12 Most Precious Stones out and coupled the body of man with them. That is why there is a Most Precious stone per tribe and why there are 12 tribes of Israel. This is a height Moses was not able to get too. He was not able to see that there was raw materials that GOD took out of the earth. That is why the earth was affected when Father Adam body migrated to the mortal state. Thus the earth became a terrestrial planet.
And those 12 Most Precious Stones was from GOD's own substance called Ribber. Ribber is that which makes the rib. The rib is where you go to for the DNA/RNA genetic codes of Man. HE unfixed a pair of Ribber, baked them into 12 Most Precious Stones. That is why HE took the rib of Adam to couple the body for Mother Eve, to show what HE did for Adam. That is how Man was made in HIS image, and after HIS likeness. That is why there is the transfigured body that we must put on before we enter into heaven. Because that transfigured body is the prototype image of Man in his perfect state...
There is the original, the Archetype image which is GOD the Son. The body which Father Adam had is the Prototype image of that Archetype. What do you think Jesus His Pre-Eminence was preaching to the Apostles when HE transfigured in meeting two dignitaries of the kingdom, the Law and the Prophet, one of whom has not died, and the other who did die but was taken up by Arch Angel Michael?
This is called an Adumbration, which was written about in the bible:
9The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
This was revealing the divine Principles, in how GOD designed HIS Logos. HIS Logos is the unalterable blueprint of the plan of salvation: Perfect from start to finish; That everything must replay. It is called similitudes and Adumbrations. That for instance, Noah coupled an ARK that saved Mankind from an extinction case. That adumbrated the end of the world that is yet to come. For Jesus His Pre-Eminence said; As it were in the days of noah, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be.
You read that Jesus His Pre-Eminence was called the second Adam. But could did not see that everything HE said and did was in the shoes, or similitudes of Adam. Its not just that when Adam died, then we also died. It is in every detail. That is why it was Judas that betrayed HIM with a kiss in the Garden, pointing to what Mother Eve did to Adam in a garden! That is why it was two criminals crucified with HIM, one one the right said: Remember me in paradise (pointing to Mother Eve), the one of the left said: If You are the Son of GOD, save yourself and us- pointing to the serpent.
The stories written of in the bible, are not just stories. They are a replay of things that have happened before, whether it happened in this earth, or in heaven; they are Revelations, divine Revelations about the kingdom. Job was in the similitude of Adam, and the fall of Man. Samson was in similitude of Adam. Noah was in the similitude of Adam. Jonah is in the similitudes of the three Elijah.
A similitude is where a person steps into the shoes of another, to reveal things about that persons life. When GOD is sending Revelations by HIS mouthpiece, HIS Prophets, and the people are not getting the message, it will be revealed in the life of someone, a dignitary, so that they can see it and understand it for real.
An adumbration is a supernatural copy and paste of an event, that will replay for a more important event in the future. This is how GOD designed HIS plan of salvation.