i recognize that y'all can form a pretty consistent mystical theory of creation with similarities to the truth.
but the Bible doesn't support it. Genesis is clear that it is a physical, terrestrial universe the LORD makes, a physical, terrestrial planet earth, a man made of physical, terrestrial, material, tangible dust with a spirit inside, becoming a living soul.
and these things He calls good -- they are not the product of sin and not the result of sin and not made of sin. they are made by His hand for His good intention. sin has corrupted, and He Himself cursed the ground for our sake -- but He will also redeem. He did not come as a man born of woman in order to condemn material existence, and the fact of His manifestation in the flesh is not sin, but He took upon Himself humanity to initiate the restoration of it. he physically healed. He physically raised the material bodies of people from death. He physically resurrected and physically ascended. the earth itself, the mountains - rock and soil - will rejoice at His return