@BlessedByGod You might not realize how much of a gift/blessing you are or have been to everyone reading this thread 😇 thank you the posts here blessed and encouraged me when I am having a difficult day 😇🤗 thanks again ❤
That is very kind of you, thank you. Although, the words I type are coming through me are not mine, so I can not take credit for them. They are placed on my heart and mind on what to type. I am just the vessel that types them🙂.
May God Bless you for your kindness and thanks be to God for the Blessing of showing me another way he has and did use His light to shine in others (and my mine) hearts minds and souls. To me, that is the best thing to we get to do is be used by God for his purposes in service to Him and to show his Love for others, and ourselves.
May God Bless you for your kind words, truly.🙏♥️🙂
By the way, thank God for the beautiful, kind and uplifting words he Blesses us all through you as well.
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