If World War I is when that red dragon named Satan and Devil was cast out of heaven and no place found for him anymore; then where is that man of sin that speak like a dragon and that image which he give life and the power to speak and cause the all that worship not the image of the beast to be slain?
Indeed we are agreed, Nebuchadnezzar, that bright and morning star whom said he shall ascend into heaven and exalt his throne above the Most High, was long a go cut down very low to hell and all the inhabitants of hell look narrowly upon him and say "is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?" May all the living know that the kingdoms of the world belong to the Lord God to give to whomever he will.
Indeed we are agreed, Nebuchadnezzar, that bright and morning star whom said he shall ascend into heaven and exalt his throne above the Most High, was long a go cut down very low to hell and all the inhabitants of hell look narrowly upon him and say "is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?" May all the living know that the kingdoms of the world belong to the Lord God to give to whomever he will.
lucifer set up his kingdoms, seven in total, which he set up in the air. His kingdoms are kingdoms in the air. And each of the heads are given rule over one thing or another in the earth. For example,
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
This was pointing to the prince of persia, that Arch Angel Gabriel spoke of that tried to stop him from reaching daniel for 21 days. This passage is pointing to the succession of power of the beast: Babylon - Medes Persia - Grecia - Rome - which are the 4 kingdoms of Babylon. That very Prince of Persia, when power changed to greece, became the prince of greece. And the same for Rome.
But the Mystery babylon, actually began in heaven, and they, lucifer and cohorts are the ones that planned the fall of Man, then also orchestrated the RNA DNA Genetic code pollutants to infiltrate the very DNA of Man. The mystery Babylon is pointing to the rebel group, lucifer and cohorts that have done alot of havocs in this earth through tare angels.
Nimrod, who was a wizard, also tried to set up 4 kingdoms and build a tower that will reach heaven. But what this meant, was that there was an unholy alliance formed, between tare celestial beings, and humans. They are enemies of the Mankind race.
In GOD's Logos, there are similitudes and Adumbrations. A similitude is when a person steps into the shoes of another, to reveal things about that person. For example, Noah is in the similitudes of Father Adam, who restarted the earth after the flood. He had three sons, just as Adam had three sons, and it was only his family in the earth. This is a similitude.
An adumbration is a supernatural copy and paste, that will replay later for an important event. An example of this is how Jesus His Pre-Eminence said: as it were in the days of noah, so too shall the coming of the Son of Man be.
Nebuchadnezzar was playing the similtude of lucifer, as the king of babylon. Pharoah in the day of Moses was also in the similitude of lucifer. Another, is King saul, was also in the shoes of lucifer. So when it talks about Nebuchadnezzar shaking the kingdoms, it is actually pointing to lucifer. And lucifer was called, that bright and morning star.
I hope ive explained this well enough.