For some, this may be a reality but for many, it may not be.
Question: How lost would you be if your Bible was taken and made scarce to find?
A. Would you be saddened but for the most part, you have written God's Word on your heart in preparation for when you may not have google or a paper copy of the Bible?
B. Would you feel totally lost as if you have now lost your connection to a loved one and deeply regretful you should have spent more time in the Word?
C. Would you intellectually realize the great loss of such an important moral guide for society but have never felt the relational side of God?
D. Or would your life not have changed very much related to how often you pick up the Bible?
If you are feeling more in connection to B, C, and D. Then in this thought experiment could you internalize this reality and how would you truly feel. What if your very life was in danger for just having a Bible? What if you had to go to great lengths in secrecy just to hear or read the Word of God?
This reality can put our liberty and religious freedom into perspective. How Christians in other countries meet in groups of over 100 or more people to hear the Word of God but they only have 1 copy of the Bible in their language. And that 1 copy is falling apart due to its use. Or in China where many must meet in secrecy or face indoctrination camps, prison, or death.
Let us take full advantage of our liberty and take part in the living water and the bread of life. Let us hunger and thirst for God's Word as if life depended on it. It will keep us spiritually full. Just as healthy fat is a good source of energy for the human body. Healthy levels of fat are stored in our cells until more energy is needed. In this process, it metabolizes to give the body extra energy.
If we are full of God then we are also storing up the essence of God. His Word, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, peace, discipline, and the forbearance to remain faithful and endure in future hardships.
Question: How lost would you be if your Bible was taken and made scarce to find?
A. Would you be saddened but for the most part, you have written God's Word on your heart in preparation for when you may not have google or a paper copy of the Bible?
B. Would you feel totally lost as if you have now lost your connection to a loved one and deeply regretful you should have spent more time in the Word?
C. Would you intellectually realize the great loss of such an important moral guide for society but have never felt the relational side of God?
D. Or would your life not have changed very much related to how often you pick up the Bible?
If you are feeling more in connection to B, C, and D. Then in this thought experiment could you internalize this reality and how would you truly feel. What if your very life was in danger for just having a Bible? What if you had to go to great lengths in secrecy just to hear or read the Word of God?
This reality can put our liberty and religious freedom into perspective. How Christians in other countries meet in groups of over 100 or more people to hear the Word of God but they only have 1 copy of the Bible in their language. And that 1 copy is falling apart due to its use. Or in China where many must meet in secrecy or face indoctrination camps, prison, or death.
Let us take full advantage of our liberty and take part in the living water and the bread of life. Let us hunger and thirst for God's Word as if life depended on it. It will keep us spiritually full. Just as healthy fat is a good source of energy for the human body. Healthy levels of fat are stored in our cells until more energy is needed. In this process, it metabolizes to give the body extra energy.
If we are full of God then we are also storing up the essence of God. His Word, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, peace, discipline, and the forbearance to remain faithful and endure in future hardships.
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