I remember many years ago when I attended a week where loads of churches gathered.
I went forward for prayer as I was struggling in my walk.
A guy started talking to me and asked what the problem was.
Basically it was I didn't feel close God and I felt God didn't feel close to me.
A summary of the conversation.
Ok why do you think this is?
I don't know I replied.
Do you speak in tongues?
No I said (in my church people did so I knew what it was)
Ok that may be why you are struggling, tongues is evidence of salvation.
Would you like to speak in tongues and be saved?
Needless to say I was very upset and confused.
I just said I don't know how to and he asked me and this is true.
Shall I show you how to?
I said no thanks and got up and left.
Boy did I carry that for a long while.
I even prayed for tongues in my own room but it never happened.
Not sure whether the guy was a Baptist or Pentecostal.
YOU DID RIGHT IN SAYING "No Thanks" and walking away. Every bit of the
Tongues of Today is a COUNTERFEIT, and I can prove it.
At the Birthday of the CHURCH, IT SAYS:
Acts 2:4-12 (HCSB)
4 Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages,
as the Spirit gave them ability for speech.
5 There were
Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven.
6 When this sound occurred, a crowd came together and was confused
because each one heard them speaking in his own language.
7 And they were astounded and amazed, saying, “Look, aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?
8 How is it that each of us can hear in our own native language?
9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites; those who live in Mesopotamia, in Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,
11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking the magnificent acts of God in our own languages.”
12 They were all astounded and perplexed, saying to one another, “What could this be?”
LESS THAN EVERYONE HEARD THEM SPEAKING IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE., is a Counterfeit of the REAL THING. People have FORGOTTEN the Devil love to Imitate REAL miracles of GOD; like Pharaoh's Magicians Turned their Staves into SNAKES TOO. But Satan's Miracles are just a little bit different that GOD's, and they focus attention on the DOER, instead of CHRIST. I believe genuine TONGUES will be done only when their foreigners present, who can verify that they heard it in their own Language,
MAL. 3:6. It seems Possible that in GOD's Miracle of TONGUES, part of the MIRACLE, was in the HEARING of MESSAGE simultaneously, as I doubt that Peter had the time to repeat his Message in every known language of the world, in the remaining FEW hours that Day.
I am sorry Pentecostals or Charismatics,
BUT THAT IS ABSOLUTELY WHAT I PERSONALLY BELIEVE; and NO, I do not want to discuss it ever, as it will lead to an argument every time.