death entered the world through sin.
God created Adam a physical thing, put spirit in him, and he became a living soul. God calls that good, but you call it evil.
Adam, a physical-reality being with a non-physical component, was created without sin in him. there was no death in him until he transgressed. God made man upright; God made man in physical reality. there was no sin in physical reality; no death in physical reality, until Genesis 3. Genesis 1 & 2 are describing the creation of physical time & reality, and God calls them very good -- you call them evil.
is it a good position to be in when you call evil what God calls good?
no, it is not a good position to be in.
Jesus of Nazareth, God manifest in the flesh. 'the hypostatic union'
the Last Adam. in Him is no sin, and no transgression.
Christ was bodily resurrected.
He bodily ascended.
He will bodily return.
His tomb is empty. He didn't leave His physical body behind; He took it with Him, to heaven.
He ate a fish, proving that He, resurrected, is truly resurrected with physical flesh, not a mere spirit or ghost with no real body.
why do you not believe Him when He eats a fish? He even cooked some. for breakfast.
be believing, not unbelieving.
heretics should stop trying to teach heresy, before God Himself physically stops their physical mouths.