You should know by now that is a sure sign that it's good.........
you wanna share this mouth watering, moan giving recipe?
1½ C hot milk
½ C melted butter
½ oz of low moisture dough yeast.
2 eggs
½ C sugar
2tsp salt
¼ water
5C all purpose flour.
Blend the dry ingredients together...
Mix in the water, eggs, milk and butter and mix for at least two minutes with the dough hook.
Then I left the dough/batter in the bowl after removing the dough hook and covered it with a piece of greased plastic wrap until it had doubled in size.
It looks like a batter at this point instead of a dough (before the first proof)
Then after it proofed I used a bit of flour on my hands and countertop and rolled it out (flour on top of dough)
Then once I rolled them out around ¾-1" thick I began to cut them out with a set of nested biscuit cutters. (Pictured on one of those pics)
I let them again double in size. But this time I used a small square of parchment the size of the doughnut to proof them on top of. This made it really easy to put into the hot oil when frying later. Also keeps you from squishing them down when trying to cook them.
Oil needs to be around 325° and watch the sides for their color before flipping. Keep them on the lighter side of brown. They cook fairly quickly.
The glaze is made from:
2½ C powdered sugar
¼ C milk
¼ C karo syrup
Vanilla to taste...or melted chocolate or....
And I made just over 2 dozen donuts and holes. Normal sized donuts too.
Just be prepared to eat them fast and furious... you will need at least four people in the house to keep from eating too many.