well for example, someone who hasn't had any contact with anyone other than you, gets it and has symptoms
like you go out of town for 2 days, your wife hasn't been out of the house for a week or more, and then within a couple days of you coming home, she gets the flu with symptoms - confirmed diagnosis from her doctor.
3 times in the last 4 years, exactly that has happened in my family.
hub and I have limited contact with the out-side world since about 2016 - we'll say that Yeshua retired us in many ways
that year, lots and lots of intense changes that year! - since then, we have both been well and able to be physically active
in all sorts of ways, but God for sure began to isolate us from our previous contacts/life-style -
we have not been ill with any kind of (flu-virus-colds), but it had already been years before 2016 that we had contacted
any kind 'illness' -
this we know for sure was because of God's Holy instructions to us on how we should 'eat-drink-exercise-sunshine-fresh air' -
we are in our '70's, and do suffer from previous injuries and extreme traumas from our younger days, but, because of our
life-style-diet-supplements, Jesus has given us the ability to function at a much greater level than those who depend upon
'pharmikia', and such - we are extremely Blessed and Thankful...