I feel your pain. In darkness we have light. In foolishness we have the truth. In immorality we have justice. In Christ we have hope. In God, we trust just as our national motto proclaims. We trust that in this, God's will, will come to pass. These next 2 to 4 years may very well be like God to pharaoh. Making his Kingdom ripe for judgment. While those who heed the warning and the signs covered their doorposts with the blood of the lamb. They were spared from judgment. Either way, we have hope in this life and the life to come. I tend to fear for my children but I take comfort in knowing if we may lose our lives, I will gain eternity in Heaven with my children. The darkness lasts only so long before the sunrise. Darkness is the absence of light. God is light, therefore we are the light of the world. We are to be that light in this darkness. To guide those who are hurt, depressed, or lost. We are to really and encourage the people of God. The war has already been won. But our battles are far from over. Each battle has the potential to turn the tide and we, therefore, should treat each battle as an opportunity to win regardless if we have lost time and time again. The seasons change, the wind changes, the tide changes, and each event in the future has different elements to change our path. Have hope and peace in Jesus Christ our Savior. We are one body, one church, one family. You are not alone. When the arm hurts the body knows. We mourn together so that we can then again have joy together.