It's like talking to a wall though. No amount of reason can satisfy radical views, this goes for both sides of the spectrum.
Can we just accept our differences and move a long? No, because the drug pushers have agendas, and anyone that views things different, must be banned on social media, and labeled right wing conspiracy nut jobs.
This isn't a social rights, political movement, or public health concern, this is straight up war. World leaders want us dead, and until most of us are dead, they can't sleep at night. The devil's time is running short, not ours. Think eternal time clock, not human life span time clock.
They want you to be mad and want you to take up arms and fight back, but not falling for it. Live for Christ, die for Christ, that's the way I'm rolling. They killed Jesus, many of the Apostles, early Christians, and etc. Why do we think we are so special not to go through being a martyr?!?!
I see it as we all have an alarm clock on our heads, when it's time, it's time to go. Doesn't matter when, it's just a matter of holding on to our faith.
Philippians 1:21
For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.